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Stop Sharia banking

As with my suggestion regarding the stopping of mosque building in the UK, Sharia banking is yet another covert method being used by Muslims to conquer our, in this case, ancestral British homelands.

Wanda , 01.06.2011, 13:39
Idea status: under consideration


A Swain, 07.06.2011, 13:22
Sharia banking is the first step to Islamic takeover of the financial institutions of OUR countries. If tolerated, gradually all institutions would automatically follow. Sharia law must be outlawed in Christian-founded countries.

As far as I am aware, only Muslims are allowed to benefit from Sharia banking. Non-Muslims would be at some point, compelled to convert to Islam otherwise they would highly probably be made subject to intolerable interest rates or even excluded from banking services altogether and when it comes to potential home ownership, this would have the effect of preventing them from accessing mortgage facilities and we all know what the manifest consequences of this likely widespread scenario would indeed be.

There is no reason why the native peoples of Europe and the UK can't set up their own religious-based, (if necessary), banking system(s) to counter the threat of alien and non-indigenous territorial takeover.

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