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Stop Further Mosque Building in the UK

This is one of the most crucially important steps that must be taken if we are to preserve our lands as Christian lands and stop ongoing Muslim colonisation and Islamic conquest in its tracks.

Wanda , 01.06.2011, 13:35
Idea status: under consideration


malcolm ford, 07.08.2011, 19:44
mosques should not be built in this country as muslims can pray 5 times a day at home.If they do not like this idea they should go back from where they came.This is ENGLAND and we do not want OUR country looking like some arab state.
Michael, 12.08.2011, 17:35
I agree, being a Christian, i pray to God each night i go to sleep or if i am worried i pray to God silently, even in the Car. God loves us without the need to build churches and as for the muslim religion, i don't understand it, it is not from our shores, i cannot be expected to follow it. I could not follow two religions, nor would i want to. I lke the one i believe in right now and i like the bible. i sense it is true
mariella , 28.09.2011, 14:02
As the sharia does not allow for, or at best, limits Christian worship ... then why should Christian majority countries allow mosques to flourish? RECIPROCITY is the key. As long as Christian proselytization, new church buildings, church bells are not allowed or at best, restricted in Muslim countries, and since non-Muslims ini Muslim countries are discriminated against and treated like dhimmis, we should not allow Muslims or their mosques to flourish unchallenged in the UK.

More on the sharia can be found here: http://umdatalsalik.wordpress.com/introduction/
Paul Kelly, 30.09.2011, 19:37
Stop this nonsense Now! We do not want Mosques building in Britain, they are eyesores and are not necessary, Muslims living in Britain have managed without them for decades. Now parts of our major cities are looking increasingly like suburbs of Islamabad.

Is there a sudden need to build them, or is it just that an increasing number of Muslims are taking seats in the Town Halls up and down the land, enabling them to subsidise these projects with Council Tax payers' money. I hear there is a proposal to re-name the town of 'Rotherham' in South Yorkshire 'Rotheramabad'.

What's going to happen when they get into Westminster?
madoods, 28.10.2011, 11:42
I have a suspicion that the EU is planning for the UK to become an Islamic state. Whereas other EU countries are allowed to put restrictions on the behaviour/dress code of Muslims, in Britain we are brought to the European court of human rights whenever we (for example) try to deport foreign criminals, hate preachers etc.. In addition, the other EU countries seem to be making it easy for Muslim immigrants (even from their own ex-colonies) to be funnelled through their countries into Britain.
ian phillips, 21.02.2012, 09:24
Why not let them pray at churches if you have a problem with mosques. Personally I do not have a problem with them at all, as they provide a place for people to meet and discuss the events of the day before and after prayer. My experience of the london riots last year, shadwell and whitechappel were exempt from the riots completely... life went on. Is this a coincidence that they were heavily muslim areas. I would rather see a state where people had some religious docterine, than none at all, as many of the secularised whites appear to demonstrate

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