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Reduce spending on equality and diversity project

Hundreds of millions are spent each year by local and central government bodies forcing people to undergo training in politically correctness and promoting what they now call 'positive action'. This breeds resentment and the money can be better spent elsewhere.

Manxman, 27.05.2011, 21:45
Idea status: under consideration


madoods, 28.10.2011, 11:21
Unfortunately this has been extended towards forcing organizations into fulfilling staff quotas with a certain percentage of 'minorities' or favoured groups. Having been at the receiving end of this type of action, I feel that I must report that when staff are appointed to fulfil quotas rather than on merit, the person appointed is more often than not incapable of doing the job they were employed to do, and it is impossible to get rid of people from these groups as they employ the services of special interest groups who pay for legal advice which either results in these staff keeping their jobs or costs the employer vast amounts in compensation and legal action

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