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Have more control of the benefit system

How can it be fair that people coming to Our Country can slip straight into the benefit system? They've never paid into it. Most of them don't intend to. There are generations of people who have never worked and dont intend to because they dont need to. It takes two to make a baby, so how can single parent families exist? ( I know that bereavement will cause this) I have paid to bring up my own kids by working hard, why should I now be expected to pay for other peoples families? The whole benefit system seems to be geared towards what people feel they are entitled to rather than what they need to exist. Meanwhile deserving folk such as pensioners who have paid into the system all their lives are treated as third class citizens

Nick Cripps , 27.05.2011, 10:58
Idea status: under consideration


Pete, 27.10.2011, 07:39
As successive governments seem unable or unwilling to stem the tide of immigrants swamping this country we would like to see some constraints placed on those coming to live here. None of them should be allowed to claim any benefits until they have paid into the system for at least ten years and they must meet the following criteria: -

•Full medical insurance for themselves and family which would be maintained for the full ten years.

•Unemployment insurance also to be maintained for the full ten years.

•A job.

•Somewhere to live - not a council house.

They should also be expected to learn English and, until they do, be able to pay for any translation that they require. They must also integrate fully into our society.
Immigrants who break the law should be deported. Their family must also go if it is believed that they would become a burden on the state.
madoods, 28.10.2011, 11:32
Having investigated the situation regarding immigration in other countries I have to agree with this author. In countries where many of our immigrants come from, they will not accept immigrants unless they have a specific job to go to and the employer becomes personally responsible for their employee (not the state) If you lose your job and cannot find another you are deported. Likewise if you commit a crime as a foreigner, you are deported. In some other EU countries, you must sign paperwork to state that you will not take any benefits from the country, and that you have enough money to support yourself and pay for your own healthcare unless you are prepared to be left totally unattended in hospital for example and pay for your own translators. The USA, NZ and Australia refuse to take anyone who cannot support themselves or who do not fulfil the country's job requirements, or will not accept you if you are over 55 or have hundreds of thousands of pounds that you can keep on deposit to support yourself. Only in Britain can the destitute and uneducated come from all over the world and get free housing, education, healthcare AND benefits, while pushing those taxpayers who have paid for everything to the back of an ever-lenghthening queue. An immigrant to the UK once told me that they could not understand why the British government treated their own people so badly and gave everything to immigrants as that would never happen in their own country. They also made the comment that if the British government is prepared to give everything to immigrants, is it any wonder that they keep coming here. Who can blame them?
peejay, 08.01.2012, 18:57
I agree completely with madood's comment.

This is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT idea on this list because, if this was put into practice, all the other problems would literally ''melt away''.

Not only would 'total' (not just 'net') Immigration drop, but also, many immigrants and minority groups would leave. All the other ideas on this very long list would not be needed, because many of the people causing these problems would leave.

I think the cost of sending a petition like this to as many households as possible (with a stamped envelope) could be worth the expense.

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