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Bring back National Service

Bring back National Service (12 month) and instil discipline, respect and comradeship. Also watch those who do not respect our country leave before having to serve the country. The One rule...if you leave you dont come back!

Paul , 26.05.2011, 17:43
Idea status: under consideration


MickRobo, 06.06.2011, 10:58
How about compulsory national service for political exiles/immigrants? train them up to go and fight the enemy they are fleeing from, they know the lie of the land and have the language skills, I'm sure they would relish the opportunity to free their brother-in of oppression and pass on all their knowledge to our intelligence agencies. win win
David Robinson, 13.06.2011, 07:10
Conscription is the best way of dealing with the infestaion of foreigners in our country. They could show their support for our Union and our way of life by fighting for our values. If they refuse to serve then thay can be summarily deported. This way we could get rid of the undesirable dross that infests our land.

The recent Royal Wedding was quite interesting as it the first time I have seen a sea of white faces in London whereas usually the white is in the minority in our Capital city. Tells a story doesn't it?
christine collier, 08.08.2011, 13:17
Not only would it sort out the chaff from the wheat it would also get louts off street corners and maybe teach them a trade. It may also help to reverse their mamby pamby upbringing and teach them to respect others
PaulWood, 11.08.2011, 17:53
Exactly. It's a win win senario.
steve Pennington, 20.08.2011, 20:22
Conscription should be for two years from the ages of 17 to 21. After that you should remain a reservist until the age of 50, with bi-yearly training consisting of two weeks camp. I would take a guess that you would not be able to get a flight out of Great Britain for about two years.
barry, 02.09.2011, 16:44
what a good idea, it would teach respect for others instil discipline and get the yobs of the street who are on benefits, the only problem is that it would deter immigrants coming to the UK who are fleeing germany and france to avoid conscription in those counrties but thats a chance we would have to take..lol
Anita, 26.09.2011, 16:46
You are so right on this idea. One that I and my friends have said a million times. Not that it will ever happen. The suck-ups at the 'top' will put a halt on that. They are a load of chickens who wouldnt dream of going against the wimpsh, tree-hugging, politically correct bunch!
Billy Wadsworth, 20.10.2011, 11:03
i agree with national service for imigrants and asylum seekers but why should young hardworking englishmen be made to do national service, We are not all yobs we have respect we are disiplined personally i belive insted of prison it should be national service or capital punishment depending on the serverity of the crime.

it should be made a "condition for anyone wishing to reside in this country, that they have to complete National Service before being allowed to apply for British Citizenship. (Just like America). If you fight for our country, then you deserve to live here (like the Gurkhas)."
Raymond Wilson, 29.10.2011, 15:23
A lot of expense is involved in a National Service system, unless it is paid for by the U.S.A.
Clive, 24.11.2011, 16:02
Not a good idea as the lads are just used by the elites to further their agenda and we already involved in illegal wars with two Countries that never attacked us. Also a soldier who volunteers is a much better soldeir than one who is forced into service, ask the man who were and they will tell you.
AN Other, 24.11.2011, 17:30
This is a non-starter. People should enter the army of their own volition, not be forced to against their will (which this basically is).

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