Britain First

If you have an idea for a Britain First campaign, please click on the "suggest an idea" button below. We won’t be able to launch every campaign suggested, but by adding your campaign idea to our list you will give other Britain First members the opportunity to comment.

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25 votes Vote

Set up a British patriot economy by mutual trading

British patriots should, wherever possible, trade with other British patriots. The incentives would be that British patriots running a business or having some skill or expertise would get more husiness, the patriot giving that business would...
S.R. Fenn, 21.10.2011, 18:46
25 votes Vote

close down EHRC and rid trevor philips

This bloated biased,against white people,organisation costing the taxpayer around £70 million per year is nothing but self serving for the racist Philips.Yes he is coloured;why should the jockstrap alan hansen have to apologise to the race...
daniel callon, 23.12.2011, 15:44
24 votes Vote

Boycott metric - insist on Imperial

Our Imperial weights & measures are a vital part of our national identity and heritage and even our language and must be preserved at all costs.
S.R. Fenn, 21.10.2011, 17:47
24 votes Vote

Illegal occupation of land with a caravan

Illegal occupation of land with a caravan to change from a civil to a criminal offence Responsible department: Department for Communities and Local Government Illegal occupation of land with a caravan by Travellers is presently a civil...
Bobz01, 05.12.2011, 21:18
24 votes Vote

fining heavily any company who employs illegals

Many companies get away with employing illegal immigrants because any fine they get is derisory. If they are found guilty they should be very heavily fined, even to the extent they could go out of business. That is the only way to deal with that...
roger sharman, 29.12.2011, 20:46
23 votes Vote

Form a coalition party for all anti EU parties.

The "resistance" is too splintered. Leaders need to put their differences asside, put the country first. There are a lot of good people out there, with no baggage, that could head it. Divided we fall.
Paris Claims, 22.09.2011, 10:31
23 votes Vote

Restore the "local" to Local Government

The present unweildy, inefficient and out-of-touch local government areas should be abolished and there should be a return to smaller local units with which people can identify and which would better represent the wishes and needs of local people....
S.R. Fenn, 22.10.2011, 07:19
23 votes Vote

Save our language from global control

In Great Britain we speak ENGLISH English NOT AMERICAN English, or we used to anyway, before the political INcorrectness from California and Brussels took it over and issued their global speech manual to the media and all government departments...
S.R. Fenn, 22.10.2011, 06:57
23 votes Vote


The banks/city caused the financial crisis which cost the British tax payer billions and billions!The national debt is now close to one trillion and paying the interest on it cost more than the entire education budget each year!Therefore all...
normanconquest, 23.10.2011, 10:47
23 votes Vote

Get justice for Rhea Page by disallowing religion as an excuse for violence

Four Muslims were able to use their religion as an excuse for viciously attacking an innocent woman. This should not be allowed in our courts - The UK is a secular state and nobody should be able to use their religion to justify criminal...
Hannah Howard, 08.12.2011, 23:06
22 votes Vote

Justice for Rhea Page

A gang of Somalian women who repeatedly kicked a young woman in the head walked free from court after a judge heard they were "not used to being drunk" because they were Muslim. Miss Rhea Page was left so traumatised by the attack that she lost...
Tara, 07.12.2011, 20:45
21 votes Vote

Land Registry are being allowed to steal homes

Fraud at Land Registry and the taking of peoples legally/lawfully/bought homes and land. My "Registered Title" was in fact two properties, and no l do not mean next door to each other. My home is a smallholding with 3 .5 acres and the other...
Diana, 02.10.2011, 16:50
1 comment
21 votes Vote

Commonwealth Unification Movement

A petition for stronger economic, cultural and political ties between Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom and their overseas territories and associated states. Known by the acronym CANZUK. Each nation would have equal status and...
Sam, 22.10.2011, 09:19
21 votes Vote

Abolish the BBC

The BBC has shown itsef to be so thoroughly biased towards cultural marxism as to be beyond redemption. It should be sold off, leaving at most only a public service TV channel and one similar station for radio. Since lack of bias is impossible, a...
Tim Heydon, 23.12.2011, 12:57
1 comment
20 votes Vote

Raise the threshold for Estate Duty

The present threshold for death duties (Estate Duty) is far too low and should be raised to at least £350,000 because so many people put all their money into their own properties and their heirs have to fork out considerable sums, when the Estate...
Lomond Handley, 08.11.2011, 11:44
1 comment
20 votes Vote

Send letters of support to those that help Britain

The use of supportive letters/emails can help those making the right decisions for Britain by feeling they have a lot of support. Ask yourself that if you have support with a task it is much easier for it to be carried out.
Adam, 20.11.2011, 11:59
20 votes Vote


We are all aware of the countless foreign imigrants, that have been and still are coming into our Country, some will have a medical condition, and some will be carriers of a disease! What is being done if anything!
jay, 15.12.2011, 11:29
20 votes Vote

Imprisonment of Gordon Brown

For selling off over half of Britains gold reserves. Between 1999 and 2002 Gordon Brown ordered almost 400 tons of gold reserves to be sold off - Average price was $255 it's now $1,598.
Bill Sands, 17.12.2011, 00:31
20 votes Vote

diane abbott must resign over racist comments

maureen genders, 06.01.2012, 17:01
19 votes Vote

Criminal offence for death of patients by NHS

To make all medical staff (Individuals)accountable and culpable for the death of patients in their care and not be protected by the Hospital Corporate and the Law of the Land,where NO CRIMINAL CHARGES for their actions are brought against...
Paul Kiley, 28.08.2011, 16:59
18 votes Vote

Keep GMT all year round

BST was tried in the late sixties,it did not work. Keeping GMT all year (which is how I believe it used to be) would save a lot of hassle twice a year to a lot of people.
Michael Almeida, 25.10.2011, 10:08
18 votes Vote

Make false claims of racism a criminal offence

Anyone making a proven false allegation of racism, given the serious effect that it has on the victims, should face prosecution.
Frederick Bird, 04.02.2012, 21:54
17 votes Vote

Anti-Apathy Focus in UK

Someone once said to me,'if you abstain from casting a vote during election time, you vote for the murderer!! I think too many people have lost the will to fight against something they have forgotten about....'Pride' Get the real British people...
Graham, 02.08.2011, 11:16
17 votes Vote

Britain First - Patriot Awards

I suggest a bi-annual "British Patriot Award" event..with prizes such as free membership for a period, or a lifetime honourary membership, reserved for remarkable patriotism. Here is a recent example (Patriot= Mr Simpson, Vicar)...
crampton, 23.08.2011, 15:15
17 votes Vote

a equalities campaign for the English people

everybody keeps championing equality, when nothing is equal in this country, the ethnics have first choice on everything so this is not equal.
trev devlin, 02.12.2011, 08:11
17 votes Vote

Why do illegal immigrants get more than pensioners

BRITISH OLD AGED PENSIONER (bearing in mind they worked hard and paid their Income Tax and National Insurance contributions to the British government all their working life) Weekly allowance: £106.00 IMMIGRANTS/REFUGEES LIVING IN BRITAIN...
David Sodey, 23.01.2012, 11:26
17 votes Vote

Traditional Christian hymns in schools

Bring back traditional Christian hymns/songs in schools and at Christmas. This country was, after all, built upon the foundation of our religion and its principles and guidelines, and it should be celebrated as equally (more so in my opinion) as...
Richard Brennan, 04.02.2012, 21:14
17 votes Vote

Support President Assad in stopping Syria becoming another middle-eastern Islamic fundamentalist State

Our country should offer full support to Syrian President Assad in stiffling the Islamic uprising in Syria thereby preventing Syria becoming another middle-eastern state run by the Mad Mullahs of Islam. This support should be both strategic and...
D. Robinson, 08.02.2012, 21:02
1 comment
17 votes Vote

Removal of Headmistress who persecuted white pupil

A child of 7 year old (Elliott Dearlove) faced accusations of racism after asking a fellow pupil if he was “brown because he was from Africa”, he asked the question of the five-year-old boy at Griffin Primary School in Barham Road, East Hull....
swordfish, 19.02.2012, 12:45
16 votes Vote

Send UK criminals to the North Isles (Shetland).

The North Isles of Shetland are the northern most point of the United Kingdom. Would be hard to escape, would make the punishment tougher and would give people more space. People have been repeating this idea in the newspapers and on the radio for...
Sam, 06.10.2011, 17:54

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